Sunday, February 11, 2018

The Olympics

        Here is a one really knows this...we LOVE the Olympics...winter or summer...doesn't matter...We love watching the opening ceremonies...all of the events, even the one's that we've never even heard of - hello biathlon...we love it and watch it all.  If the American's win gold or even metal that's a nice bonus, really it's all about the games.  Countries from all over the world - even those tiny one's no one has ever heard of - have an opportunity to come together with the rest of the world for the sake of sport.  Now, Missy and I definitely have our favorite sports to watch - she's super into the skiing events in the winter where as I am really like the team sports - soccer, rugby, water polo etc. 

So...back to our love of the Olympics and watching the opening games...

For the last Olympic opening games in Rio we watched them with who else...the Marshall's - some of our favorite people.  This year we thought...why we hadn't hung out with them in about a month or so.

So we loaded up the van and headed up to Brainerd to watch the opening ceremonies and to hang out with Sarah, Marc and all the chitlen's...who am I kidding...I was excited  just to see Blake...

So....When we lived in Brainerd Addi fell in love with this Mexican food place - El Tequilla - not because the food is fantastic or the atmosphere is wonderful or even that the service if spot on.  Really....she just loves one certain meal that as far as we can tell is only served there.  Marshmallow's and pancakes - together - for a meal.  

Back story - when ever any of the girls were sick and couldn't go to school, they would come hang out with me at the office for the day and whenever they are hanging with Dad they get to pick where we go eat lunch, it's like a secret thing or something.  Sure enough, every single time she would pick this place, which was fine by me...I secretly love the place too.  

But the last few trips up she has been begging to go eat there - and we have always brushed her off and said next time, next time, next time. time finally came - so here we are. 

The rest of our time we just did what we have always done....and let the 8 kids play together and love on each other...sometimes the 8 of them are all just mass chaos and they all want to do the same exact thing at the same exact time.  Then there are other times...where they all play together in perfect harmony and you think to yourself...why can't you guys be like this all the time.

But as always - a perfect, whirlwind of a trip to Brainerd to spend beautiful time with some of our most favorite people.  Plus..we got to watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympic games. 

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