Sunday, January 28, 2018

What have we been up too...'s been 3 years or so since are last 'update' post/blog here is a rundown of what we have been up too....

We moved....We were living up in the Brainerd lakes area and about a year or so ago Missy was given an opportunity to move back 'home' - at least closer to grandparents.  So now we live in New Richmond Wi.  I know, the horror....we live in Wisconsin....

Missy is still a pastor...she works at Peace Lutheran in Dresser Wi - the same church she did her internship with.....

I work at King of King's Lutheran Church in Woodbury Mn....

The real update is with the girls -

Addi is now a first grader at Paperjack in New Richmond and loves of her favorite things to do at home is play school....and she is always the teacher teaching about what she learned about that day at school.

This is Adelyn on the first day of Kindergarten....

Olivya - also affectionatly known as 'liver' - is now midway through 4K - a state run kindergarten prep program that the state runs....

Liver loves to be helpful...she is always the mediator and peace keeper in the family...

This is Olivya helping shovel the drive...

Charlye - I don't really know where to start with her...I often refer to her as a terrorist...she is headstrong and determined to do what ever she soon as she wants to.  And we wouldn't change a thing...other than that...she is three and loves life, school and her family!

Charlye decided to go herself....the snow is up to her knees if you can't tell....

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