Sunday, November 9, 2014

October 2014: Shout-out to some good friends!

The day after Halloween, we were fortunate enough to get together with some really great friends from College! We have all stayed in touch over the years, but find it more and more difficult to all get together with 3 of the families living in 3 different parts of Minnesota  (Rochester area, up north, and the cities) and one of the families living in Iowa (and before that it was Wisconsin). And with having our children all within a few years of each other, it's so much fun to get them all together and play and catch up right where we left off last time. Here's all our kiddo's:

And it just so happened that it was Blake & Sadie's Birthdays (Scott and Betty's kids) the day we got together and the day before, so we got an added bonus of celebrating an awesome 3 and 1 year old! 

And of course we couldn't pass up all the dads holding the kids and all the moms holding the kids. Classic pictures if I do say so myself :) 

When we get together with these friends, we are continually reminded how blessed we are that we have these people remain true and constant through all the craziness that life brings. We pick up as if we never left off, and can spend the entire day without getting bored or running out of things to talk about! Thank you Junkerts', Miles', and Watermans' for being such great friends! See you all next time (actually in December!). 

1 comment:

Miles of Smiles said...

Love the pictures!! Thanks for posting-we had a great time with you guys as well!!! So glad we could all find a time to get together!