Monday, January 22, 2018

We're back b*tch's!

That's read that need to hit refresh!  After laying dormant for the past several year's Michael is taking over the what does this mean?  Well...not a lot...other than Michael will be writing knows what that means.  We are not going to cover the last three year's events...were just going to use this date a starting point and you can just imagine what we have been up to for the last three years....

 For once we had a Saturday with out much to do...and it was warm outside...something that really has not happend since late we have been taking advantage!


So....we had the snow fall of the year today and at first Charlye was begging to go play out in the we got her bundled up, sent her out.....

 She decided that she was gonna shovel the driveway....but the snow was up to her she just gave up and started eating the snow....

 At some point she decided she wanted to sled down the hill...really she was just ridding the struggle bus most of the day....

 So our snowblower broke a few weeks ago and it takes week's to get those things serviced in the winter...and we thought we had better shovel the drive before it got to be too deep....before we really got started on the drive Missy thought the leaf blower might work well to clear the snow...but it was a fail....

 Here are some pictures of the girls attempting to help clear the drive way....hey A for effort I suppose...


So there you have it...a small glimpse into our weekend...keep checking back when we do cool stuff I will post shit...